
How to export your blog article from google reader?

step by step:

  1. Locate your blog rss address ,ex:
  2. Make a simple web page, add code with below format : <a href=”” >save as atom </a> , red block is your blog rss address,replace it with your rss address,  green block is your maximum article number,you can change it to 10,000 if you want;
  3. Login to with your google account;
  4. Open your web page , click   “save as atom ” with right button,then you get a atom format file ,another simple ways is, sent a mail to yourself, body is a link like this , click   “save as atom ” with right button when you receive your email.
  5. upload atom format file to your own site, get a link
  6. Going to ,Specify your atom format file location URL, convert it ,get rss format file,transform done.
  7. Finally, we get all of your blog article with rss format, we can import to most blog ,include wordpress ,or

That idea is from you xu ‘s  ,source code form here:  ,I can’t run correctly in my server, so a write a manually method doing same thing, hope it give some help to you.

Xuyou has export Aiweiwei’s sina blog from google reader :

here link is a backup of Aiweiwei’s sina blog :

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